Sign up for our free webinar on line ratings

As we enter 2021, transmission line ratings will be a paramount topic for many utility operators, engineers, and executives.

The US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission put forth a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking around the use of advanced line ratings which will have meaningful impacts on the day-to-day operations of utilities. Adopting advanced line rating techniques has the potential to unlock additional grid capacity, but also introduces new challenges for operators around compliance with the proposed regulation. 

This webinar brings together a group of industry experts with diverse backgrounds and will provide you with insights and perspectives that you can take back to your teams to plan your approach to line ratings.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • What exactly FERC's NOPR mandates
  • The different methodologies used for line ratings
  • What impacts will be seen across the industry if the FERC ruling is passed
  • What resources are available to help guide utilities to compliance
Click Here To Sign Up!

Webinar Speakers

Nora Mead Brownell - sq

Nora Mead Brownell - Former FERC Commissioner and Former Chairwoman of the Board at PG&E

Rob Stephen - sq

Rob Stephen - Former President of CIGRE

Chris Seiple - sq

Chris Seiple - Vice Chairman, Power & Renewables Practice at Wood Mackenzie

Alex Houghtaling - sq

Moderated by Alex Houghtaling, LineVision

About LineVision

LineVision partners with electric utilities to deploy advanced non-contact overhead line monitoring systems without the need for outages or live line work. The patented technologies enable a data-driven approach to increased situational awareness and predictive analysis — helping utilities anticipate failures with asset health metrics and increase capacity on existing lines through advanced line ratings, while enhancing reliability and safety.